Dark, chilly nights. White, snowy mornings. Capture the beauty of winter with Black and White Mode. The Galaxy photography setting brings out the best of the season by amping up contrast, texture, and emotion. Get inspired by photos from the Samsung photographers below, then share your own using #withGalaxy.

Lose the distraction of color and see what you gain. We love the shadows and highlights that make up this super intense look.

No need to look closer. The grains in each panel of wood pop, thanks to the Black and White capture.

Black and White Mode brings out the rich textures of dirt, stone, and grass—all of which build on each other to create a stunning composition.

The softness of the sky contrasts the hard cement building, making the aircraft look like it’s as light as a feather.

The lack of color creates a heavy negative space surrounding the door, making it feel like you’re looking through a keyhole into the past.