Clear out the mental cobwebs
with a creative refresh
A long winter is as hard on your mind as it is on your muscles. It's time to get your brain moving again.

Spring is a time of renewal. It’s an opportunity to stretch your limbs, give your place a new look and shake off the lasting effects of spending too much time indoors with not enough sunshine. But it's also important to take time for your mental well-being. These creative exercises are a great way to energize your mind as the weather gets warmer.

Take a photowalk
You may think you know your neighborhood well, but you usually only experience it as part of your usual routine. Walk the dog. Go to work. Grab some groceries. Repeat. What if you gave yourself a new reason to explore your surroundings? What new things might you see?
Come up with five creative prompts for yourself. Try something like "Take a portrait of your neighbor" or "Photograph something you love from a new perspective." Then head out with the Galaxy S21 5G1 and don’t come back until your camera roll has responses to all your challenges.
1Requires optimal 5G network connection, available in select markets. Check with your carrier for availability and details.
Download and streaming speeds may vary based on content provider, server connection and other factors.

Create for your community
Creating just for the sake of it allows you to work free of limitations, but it's tough to maintain your practice without feedback from others. When creating for an audience, you'll get critiques that allow you to see things from a different angle. A community can also encourage you to meet your deadlines.
It works both ways — by checking out what others are up to, you can make new connections between your own ideas. Download PENUP from Google Play or the Samsung Galaxy Store to join a massive online creative community and let the inspiration begin.

Embrace boredom
Creativity often comes in the moments when your mind isn’t actively occupied by immediate needs or deadlines. When you’re not concentrating on finishing a specific task, your mental energy can go to sorting, processing and making sense of all the other information you were too busy to focus on in the moment. It's important to give yourself daily down time to let your brain wander.

Explore a new hobby
By focusing on an entirely new pursuit, you can stimulate your mind to work in ways that spark new ideas. If you write all the time, drawing can help you better understand how things look, instead of how they feel. If you’re into photography, sculpting forces you to think about a subject three-dimensionally. If you’re interested in a new hobby, the Galaxy Tab S7 is a great tool for enjoying digital coloring books and other resources.

Get it out of your head
Sometimes creativity is as simple as taking what’s in your head and putting it into the world. Mindful journaling or daily drawing sessions can help you reconsider what about an idea works and what doesn't. Give it a try without any expectations or goals beyond freeing up some brain space.
Set aside 15 to 20 minutes every morning to doodle or write some daily reflections. Give yourself a digital upgrade with the S Pen on the Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G2 or Galaxy Tab S7, which offers the same precision and depth of control you expect from ink or pencil.
2S Pen sold separately from Galaxy S21 Ultra.
Renew, refresh and
rediscover your creativity
Find the tools to start a creativity practice and begin your mental spring cleaning.
Galaxy Tab S8 | S8+ | S8 Ultra

Galaxy S22 Ultra

S Pen

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