Tasavvuringizga erk bering

A Cloud White model of The Serif sits on a black stand in a bright and elegantly simple living room, with an area rug, a stylish three-legged green chair, and large windows. The image on screen is Leaf Ambient Mode with clock ticking. A Cloud White model of The Serif sits on a black stand in a bright and elegantly simple living room, with an area rug, a stylish three-legged green chair, and large windows. The image on screen is Leaf Ambient Mode with clock ticking.
The Serif interyer va turmush tarziga oid odatiy qarashlarni o‘zgartiradi.

Uni istalgan joyga o'rnating

The Serif from 4 different perspectives demonstrate how amazing it can look from all different angles. In the first scene, we see a Cloud White model of The Serif on a black stand in a simple and elegantly styled room with the onscreen image is a bird’s eye view of a beach showing a wave as it meets the sand. The scene shifts to a man and a woman having fun preparing food on a kitchen island. A Cloud White model of The Serif is resting directly on the kitchen island in front of them, showing the Fabric pattern in Ambient Mode in a salmon color. The scene shifts again, and this time the back of a Cloud White model of The Serif is shown on a black stand in the foreground of an artist’s workshop. In the background to the right, a man is sitting next to a long worktable, playing with a dog. In the final scene, a Cloud White model of The Serif is on a black stand in the middle of a bright and airy room, with its back to the window. The onscreen image is a beach showing a large wave meeting the sand and a surfer on his board paddling out to the ocean. The Serif from 4 different perspectives demonstrate how amazing it can look from all different angles. In the first scene, we see a Cloud White model of The Serif on a black stand in a simple and elegantly styled room with the onscreen image is a bird’s eye view of a beach showing a wave as it meets the sand. The scene shifts to a man and a woman having fun preparing food on a kitchen island. A Cloud White model of The Serif is resting directly on the kitchen island in front of them, showing the Fabric pattern in Ambient Mode in a salmon color. The scene shifts again, and this time the back of a Cloud White model of The Serif is shown on a black stand in the foreground of an artist’s workshop. In the background to the right, a man is sitting next to a long worktable, playing with a dog. In the final scene, a Cloud White model of The Serif is on a black stand in the middle of a bright and airy room, with its back to the window. The onscreen image is a beach showing a large wave meeting the sand and a surfer on his board paddling out to the ocean.

U har qanday interyer bilan birlashadi.

Devorga o‘rnatiladigan odatiy televizorlardan farqli o‘laroq, The Serif har tomondan jozibador ko‘rinadi. U uyingizning istalgan joyida, hatto xona markazida joylashishi mumkin. Uni qayerga joylashtirganingizdan qat’iy nazar, The Serif atrof bilan mukammal ravishda uyg‘unlashadi. U qayerda o‘rnatilganligidan qat’iy nazar, stend bilan yoki stendsiz, haqiqiy san’at asari kabi u har qanday interyerni bezaydi: stolda, javonda yoki bevosita polda.

Noyob dizayn

Uyingiz turmush tarzingizni aks ettirishini xohlaysizmi? Unda buni uslubingizga mos keladigan televizordan boshlang. The Serif – o‘zi kabilar ichida yagona

Four closeups of a Cloud White model of The Serif demonstrate the uniqueness of the iconic capital I design and how great it looks from all angles. First from the top, then the profile, and finally, the back together next to a front angle of the right profile. As the video plays, each of the four images either rotates or shifts slowly to show a slightly different perspective. Four closeups of a Cloud White model of The Serif demonstrate the uniqueness of the iconic capital I design and how great it looks from all angles. First from the top, then the profile, and finally, the back together next to a front angle of the right profile. As the video plays, each of the four images either rotates or shifts slowly to show a slightly different perspective.

Mashhur dizayn: xonani qanday bezatish kerak

Oddiy televizor bilan siz xonangizda kamchilikni his qilishda davom etasiz. The Serif bilan esa interyeringiz qayta gavdalanadi. “”I” harfi shaklidagi profilga ega noyob dizayni evaziga The Serif xonadoningizning nafis bezagiga aylanadi.

Televizordan yangi darajada
xordiq olish imokniyati

* Ambient Mode rejimi mintaqaga qarab farq qilishi mumkin.
* Orqa fon rasmining ravshanligi televizor joylashgan joyga, devor dizayni, tasvirlar va/yoki ranglarga qarab farq qilishi mumkin.

The Serif bilan o‘z uslubingizni yarating

Mana The Serif uyingizda qanday ko‘rinishiga
oid g‘oyalar. U noziklik bilan mavjud bezaklar bilan uyg‘unlashishi yoki
mehmonlar xonangizning diqqat markaziga aylanishi mumkin.

The Frame. Televizor-surat

The Frame. Televizor-surat

Yana ko‘proq interyer telivizorlar

Yana ko‘proq interyer telivizorlar


* Suratlar tasviriy maqsadlar uchun mo‘ljallangan. Mahsulotning tashqi xususiyatlari, dizayni va mahsulotning ishlashiga ta’sir qilmaydigan foydalanuvchi grafik interfeysi oldindan ogohlantirmasdan o‘zgartirilishi mumkin.
* Haqiqiy mahsulot tasvirda ko‘rsatilganidan farq qilishi mumkin. Iltimos, bizning mahsulotlarimiz galereyasi bilan tanishib chiqing.
* Mahsulot rangi mintaqaga qarab farq qilishi mumkin.