How can I receive virtual assets?

Last Update date : Aug 16. 2022

Virtual assets can go straight to your “Wallet” quickly and easily. Find out how to do it by following the next instructions.

View of people and a shot of the send and receive options.

Open your Samsung Blockchain wallet to start the process

Step 1. Wallet screen with a coin highlighted. Step 1. Wallet screen with a coin highlighted.

Step 1. Go to the “Wallet” page and select a coin or token.

Step 2. Coin info and receive button highlighted. Step 2. Coin info and receive button highlighted.

Step 2. Tab the “Receive” button under the balance.

Step 3. Address to receive the virtual asset with a copy button and QR code. Step 3. Address to receive the virtual asset with a copy button and QR code.

Step 3. Your address can be copied to the clipboard by tapping the copy button. The sender can use this address to send you virtual asset, or simply scan the code displayed on the screen.

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