Upgrading The Firmware On You're YP-T7.

Last Update date : Oct 05. 2020

  Upgrading The Firmware On You're YP-T7

  1. Visit the Samsung Download Center and download the latest firmware file.
  2. Unzip and open the folder.
  3. Press CTRL + A to select all three files.
  4. Press CTRL + C to copy all three files.
  5. Connect the YP-T7 to your PC.
  6. Open Windows Explorer and Click on Removable Disk.
  7. In the empty area in the right, Press CTRL + V to paste all three files into the YP-T7 Root Directory.
  8. Safely Remove the USB Cable by clicking the green check in the lower right corner of your screen.
  9. Turn the YP-T7 on.  The firmware will automatically be upgraded.

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