
Solve for Tomorrow: how Samsung are helping empower young Aussies to change the world — one idea at a time

It was on a picturesque Byron Bay beach when a then nine-year-old Josh Castle received a wake-up call that would shake his world, and ultimately shape his future.

“We had just finished our regular Sunday morning beach breakfast,” he recalls. “It was summer and just perfect. I went exploring the headland and saw a chocolate wrapper wash into the water.

“I pulled it out, but suddenly realised that if I hadn’t, the wrapper would — like all the other rubbish — disappear into the beautiful ocean. It was a real lightbulb moment.”

Growing up in rural NSW, a young Josh worked alongside his friends and neighbours on local forest regeneration projects, which helped instil in him the importance of looking after the natural world.

“The lesson I learnt here was transformative,” he says. “That humans have incredible power to regenerate the planet.

“And at 71 percent of the planet, there really needs to be more people caring for our oceans. I was shocked to learn that if the climate change is making the ocean acidic and changing its food webs and chemistry. Something within me told me that the oceans needed my help.”

Fast-forward to adulthood, and the aspiring environmentalist relocated to Tasmania to develop his passion.

“I started studying marine and Antarctic science at the university of Tasmania,” explains Josh. “It wasn’t long before I learnt about giant kelp forests — huge underwater forests that have an enormous list of environmental benefits like reducing ocean acidification (a huge problem!) and supporting biodiversity. But the bad news: these kelp forests have experienced a 95 percent decline.

“That was it, I knew I had to do something — I decided I would make this happen.”

Determined to be part of the solution, not the problem, Josh began thinking of ways he could help and the seeds for a life-changing venture were sown.

“I studied repurposing oil and gas infrastructure to regenerative seaweed sites and my thesis demonstrated that industry, government, and academia from around the world, are interested in seeing this happen.

“I house sat to save money on rent, and put all my time into learning and developing my ideas. There were many times when I doubted myself, but I persevered.”


Now aged 26, the Hobart-based environmentalist has parlayed his years of study and passion for the ocean into Blue Symbiosis — a groundbreaking enterprise, which aims to repurpose offshore oil and gas platforms, to grow seaweed on a large scale to have a significant impact on ocean health.

“Large scale seaweed production can support carbon removal, climate adaption, and ocean health,” explains Josh. “I realised that repurposing oil and gas infrastructure is the perfect stepping stone to reach hyper-scale seaweed cultivation faster.”

Now developing ways to repurpose these rigs — and having received significant funding to do so — Josh and his team are working with the bigger oil and gas operators to provide ways in which they can help begin the transition to a more sustainable future.

“We need to create a vision for what is possible,” says Josh. “This is why each day I begin the day envisioning — free from boundaries — a tomorrow where humans can co-exist and innovate together.”

And when it comes to the skills that Josh credits for helping him create Blue Symbiosis, he says that the STEM has been the bedrock on which he has been able to build his pioneering vision.


Short for ‘science, technology, engineering and mathematics’, STEM encapsulates the core disciplines required in education to best equip today’s youth for the workforce of tomorrow.

“Passion plus STEM equals innovation,” says Josh, “STEM taught me to approach an old problem in a new way. Hypothesis, experiment, analyse, and evaluate is something you might learn form STEM, but it is really what is needed for ANY innovation.

Josh uses biology, bio-geochemistry, oceanography, engineering, sensor technology, and mathematics to approach the big questions, but combines all of these areas with creativity when considering solutions.

“STEM has allowed me to learn what is outside of known knowledge,” continues Josh. “To innovate to push human knowledge forward we need to venture into the unknown. In this dark place we can use STEM as a spotlight to identify we’ve found and to then share it as a new idea, knowledge, or innovation.

“The answers are there. We just need to apply STEM and collaborate. We need a way to unleash our individual talents to create a vision for a better planet. We have a lot to do, it’s going to be challenging, but it’s al-so going to be fun.”


It’s this ethos that is the foundation for Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow initiative.

First launched in the US back in 2010, this year the socially minded competition makes its debut in Australia. Aimed at challenging young Aussies to use STEM to find ways of tackling the big issues that they’re passionate about, from climate change to inclusivity.

Open to young people aged 18 to 24, the Solve for Tomorrow competition is designed to build interest and proficiency in STEM, thereby encouraging these up-and-comers to both consider the subjects that will impact on their future careers, as well as sparking ideas that will help make our world a better place.

In a one-minute video — uploaded to their own TikTok channel, or via a Samsung submissions link — entrants will need to identify an issue that their community is facing, and demonstrate how STEM can be applied as part of the solution.

Running until December 20, the competition winner will receive $10,000 to help bring their dream into reality, while the two runners up will be awarded $5,000 each.


Big problems call for big, blue sky thinking and for young Aussies who are inspired to take action, and to do their bit to help tackle some of the issues we’re facing, Josh has some words of encouragement.

“Those who uses problem-solving and imagination will create our future,” enthuses Josh. “A sustainable planet needs young innovators who can draw connections between unconnected things to create solutions to our problems.

“If you have an idea nobody has done, or done well, then why not make it happen. Don’t be afraid of the challenge, don’t be afraid of putting your idea out there. Once you do you’ll be surprised by how supportive the world is!

“We are almost out of time. We’re up against the biggest problems humanity has ever faced, but also the time with the biggest opportunities for creativity, innovation and collaboration. The world wants and needs YOUR contribution. Together we can really make a difference.”


Are YOU ready to join Josh and to use your STEM skills to help create positive change?

If you’re an Australian resident aged between 18 and 24 years of age and are passionate about global issues impacting your local community, then upload your video either on TikTok — tagging @samsungAU and #solvefortomorrow and #samsungaustralia — or by uploading on the submission page [] before 20th December, 2021

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