Auto Cycle Link for Samsung Dryer

Last Update date : Jan 16. 2024

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With the Smart AI Front Loader Washer and compatible Smart AI Heat Pump Dryer, you never have to worry about choosing the wrong drying cycle again with Auto Cycle Link*. You can enable this feature once you have both your compatible washing machine and compatible dryer connected to the SmartThings App.

Once Auto Cycle Link* is set up on your SmartThings App, the Smart AI Washer passes on the information to the Smart AI Dryer and selects the best dry cycle to use automatically (i.e. if you selected a delicate wash cycle on your SmartThings App for your compatible washer, that information will be passed down to your compatible dryer automatically when you set up Auto Cycle Link*). 

Follow the steps below to find out how to set up Auto Cycle Link*.


  • The SmartThings App is available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required. Data fees may apply.
  • For a guide on connecting SmartThings to your washing machine, please click here.
  • For a guide on connecting SmartThings to your dryer, please click here.
  • If your WiFi router is further away from the appliance, the connection can be weak. It is also recommended to connect on the same band (e.g. connect all to 2.4GHz).

1. Open the SmartThings App.

2. Under devices, select your Dryer.
*If you haven't yet connected your device to SmartThings, use the guide here.

3. Scroll down until you find 'Auto cycle link' and tap on the switch to turn it on or off.
*Auto Cycle Link is only available when both the washer and dryer have AI Control and Wi-Fi connected.

NOTE: Depending on the model type, you may have to click on 'Auto cycle link' and turn the switch on or off on a seperate page.

NOTE: Settings may vary by phone and software version. 

For further assistance, please contact our Chat Support or technical experts on 1300 362 603. To find your Samsung product's User Manual, head to Manuals & Downloads.

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