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    Whether you are alone
    or with loved ones,
    watching TV is an enjoyable experience.
  • Screens
    for All

    Recognizing the value of this,
    Samsung Electronics envisions a world
    where everyone has equal access to
    television regardless of
    their individual abilities or

Relumino Mode:
Giving Light Back
for the World
We Can
Watch TVs

For this reason, we are always thinking
about and researching new
that make TVs more
accessible to everyone and create a
where everyone can watch TVs

The Story of
Giving Light Back

A survey revealed that 85.2%* of people with
low vision named watching TV as their most
favorite leisure activity.
However, despite the
important role TVs play in their lives, people
with low vision have limited accessibility with
the technology.

To improve their accessibility to TVs, we
invented Relumino, which means to “give
back light” in Latin.
Here’s our story:

* Korean National Survey on Persons with Disabilities (2020)
At Viva Technology, Europe's largest startup exhibition, Samsung Electronics' in-house venture, C-Lab, showcased the implementation process of Relumino.
A Technology Born at C-Lab

The story of Relumino began at the Creative Lab (C-Lab), an in-
house venture program at Samsung Electronics.

“The source of inspiration to start our research began after
results of a survey showed that 92% of people with low vision
list watching TV as their number one leisure activity—and yet
they have difficulty accessing it. Our development team also
felt it was important to put ourselves in the shoes of our real
users, so we developed this technology while wearing special
goggles that allowed us to closely simulate what it might be
like to experience limited vision like people with low vision.”

Junghoon Cho,
Principal Engineer at Samsung Electronics.
A person with low vision is experiencing the Relumino glasses provided through a pilot distribution program at Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation for the Visually Handicapped, South Korea
The Evolution of
Relumino Technology

The evolution of Relumino technology began in 2017.

  • Development of the Relumino app for Samsung Gear VR
  • Development of the Relumino Glass,
    glass-type wearable, concept device
  • Completion of smartphone image processing
    software development for the Relumino app
    and the Relumino Glass wearable device
  • Pilot distribution of Relumino Glass in Gyeonggi Welfare
    Foundation for the Visually Handicapped, South Korea
Setting Relumino mode on Samsung Electronics TV screen
Developing Relumino Mode for TVs

After initially developing Relumino Glass and the app,
Samsung Electronics’ development team switched its attention
to TV software. This would allow users with low vision to
benefit from Relumino technology without having to use
the wearable device or app.

The team therefore worked on developing a new Relumino
Mode for TVs that can help users recognize characters,
landscapes, and objects on the screen.

The team even bought goggles that blurred the team
members’ vision to test watch a film, which helped them
appreciate the difficulties faced by TV users with low vision and
develop more effective technology.

Then, from April to November 2022, the team conducted
a two-step clinical trial with 67 participants with low vision
in Korea.

Relumino mode booth installed at CES 2023, the world’s largest consumer electronics and information technology exhibition held in Las Vegas, USA
Receiving the CES Innovation
Award for Proprietary Technology

In 2023, Samsung Electronics first introduced the TV’s
‘Relumino Mode’ at CES 2023 held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
and won the CES Innovation Awards.

Relumino Mode is a technology designed to improve the TV
viewing experience for people with low vision and residual
vision, which account for approximately 90% of the visually
impaired people. This technology accentuates outlines on the
screen and adjusts contrast, color, sharpness, and more, so that
viewers can clearly distinguish objects and recognize
movements in TV footage.

* Relumino Mode targets those who suffer from severe visual acuity loss
(Source: WHO, World report on vision, 2019) and symptoms of blurry vision.
This feature is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the
cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease or medical problem. Any information
found, acquired, or accessed through this feature is made available for your convenience and
should not be treated as medical advice.
Some features may be supported at a different time, and service availability may not be
available at the time of purchase of this product. Relumino Mode is applied for TV models
QN80C, QN90C, QN800C, QN900C and works on sources provided through DTV and HDMI only.
The Mode does not work on other sources, OTTs, etc.
  • At Viva Technology, Europe's largest startup exhibition, Samsung Electronics' in-house venture, C-Lab, showcased the implementation process of Relumino.
    History 01 A Technology Born at C-Lab

    The story of Relumino began at the Creative Lab (C-
    Lab), an in-house venture program at Samsung

    “The source of inspiration to start our research
    began after results of a survey showed that 92% of
    people with low vision list watching TV as their
    number one leisure activity—and yet they have
    difficulty accessing it. Our development team also
    felt it was important to put ourselves in the shoes
    of our real users, so we developed this technology
    while wearing special goggles that allowed us to
    closely simulate what it might be like to experience
    limited vision like people with low vision.”

    Junghoon Cho, Principal Engineer at Samsung Electronics
  • A person with low vision is experiencing the Relumino glasses provided through a pilot distribution program at Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation for the Visually Handicapped, South Korea
    History 02 The Evolution of
    Relumino Technology

    The evolution of Relumino technology began in 2017.

    • Development of the Relumino app
      for Samsung Gear VR
    • Development of the Relumino Glass,
      glass-type wearable, concept device
    • Completion of smartphone image processing
      software development for the Relumino app
      and the Relumino Glass wearable device
    • Pilot distribution of Relumino Glass
      in Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation
      for the Visually Handicapped, South Korea
  • Setting Relumino mode on Samsung Electronics TV screen
    History 03 Developing Relumino Mode
    for TVs

    After initially developing Relumino Glass and
    the app, Samsung Electronics’ development team
    switched its attention to TV software.
    This would allow users with low vision to benefit
    from Relumino technology without having to
    use the wearable device or app.

    The team therefore worked on developing
    a new Relumino Mode for TVs that can help users
    recognize characters, landscapes,
    and objects on the screen.

    The team even bought goggles that blurred the
    team members’ vision to test watch a film, which
    helped them appreciate the difficulties faced by TV
    users with low vision and develop more effective

    Then, from April to November 2022, the team
    conducted a two-step clinical trial with 67
    participants with low vision in Korea.

  • Relumino mode booth installed at CES 2023, the world’s largest consumer electronics and information technology exhibition held in Las Vegas, USA
    History 04 Receiving the CES Innovation
    Award for Proprietary

    In 2023, Samsung Electronics first introduced the
    TV’s ‘Relumino Mode’ at CES 2023 held in Las Vegas,
    Nevada, USA, and won the CES Innovation Awards.

    Relumino Mode is a technology designed to
    improve the TV viewing experience for people with
    low vision and residual vision, which account for
    approximately 90% of the visually impaired people.
    This technology accentuates outlines on the screen
    and adjusts contrast, color, sharpness, and more, so
    that viewers can clearly distinguish objects and
    recognize movements in TV footage.

    * Relumino Mode targets those who suffer from severe visual acuity loss
    (Source: WHO, World report on vision, 2019) and symptoms of blurry
    vision. This feature is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease
    or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of
    any disease or medical problem. Any information found, acquired,
    or accessed through this feature is made available for your convenience
    and should not be treated as medical advice.
    Some features may be supported at a different time, and service
    availability may not be available at the time of purchase of this product.
    Relumino Mode is applied for TV models QN80C, QN90C, QN800C,
    QN900C and works on sources provided through DTV and HDMI only.
    The Mode does not work on other sources, OTTs, etc.

The Road Toward
Making TV Safe,
Effective, and
for Everyone

The effectiveness and user safety of
Relumino technology has also been
by clinical trials conducted in collaboration
with Samsung Medical
Center, a renowned
hospital based in Seoul, South Korea.

Our track record of safe and effective
collaboration is evident.

Behind Story

Improving Effectiveness
through Clinical Trials
at Samsung Medical Center

“The subjects’ responses indicated the Relumino Mode’s
subjective results while the contrast sensitivity testing showed
its objective results. Both of these factors, combined, allowed
us to find the optimal setting for a brilliant image on TV.”

Kyungah Park,
Assistant Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology,
Samsung Medical Center.

  • Behind Story

    Improving Effectiveness through
    Clinical Trials at Samsung
    Medical Center

    “The subjects’ responses indicated the Relumino
    Mode’s subjective results while the contrast
    sensitivity testing showed its objective results.
    Both of these factors, combined, allowed us
    to find the optimal setting for a brilliant image
    on TV.”

    Kyungah Park,
    Assistant Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology,
    Samsung Medical Center.

  • 1meter. Clinical experiment in relumino mode: Watching 10 images, including videos, in a room with consistent illumination, on four Samsung QLED tvs installed 1 meter away from participants.
    Behind Story

    Clinical Trials Involving
    67 Participants With Low Vision

    Step 1

    First, clinical trial participants entered a room
    with specified amount of light.
    Then, we set up four 55-inch Samsung QLED TVs
    one meter apart from each other
    to display eight still images and two videos.

  • Contrast video, high, medium, low, 1meter, satisfaction levels measured on a scale of 0 to 10. Clinical experiment in relumino mode: one out of the four tvs broadcasts a control video, while the remaining three randomly incorporate high, medium, and low effects to evaluate preference regarding tv viewing.
    Behind Story

    Clinical Trials Involving
    67 Participants With Low Vision

    Step 2

    At this step, one of the four TVs broadcasted
    a control video with no enhancements.
    The other three TVs were randomly configured
    with high, medium, and low contrast effects,
    and participants rated their impression,
    or satisfaction level, of the four TVs
    on a scale of 0 to 10.

    * Additional contrast sensitivity checks were conducted to monitor
    actual contrast sensitivity differences

  • Videos fine-tuned based on viewer preference results from the first step, 1meter, Satisfaction levels measured on a scale of 0 to 10. Clinical experiment in relumino mode: Re-evaluate satisfaction levels with fine-tuned video based on preferences from the first step.
    Behind Story

    Clinical Trials Involving
    67 Participants With Low Vision

    Step 3

    The videos were then fine-tuned according to
    viewer preference results from the first step before
    being shown again on the four TVs and the trial
    participants re-evaluated them for screen

  • Relumino Mode Off, Relumino Mode On. Two split screens showing a contrasting image of a flower without relumino mode applied and a flower image with relumino mode applied.
    Behind Story

    Clinical Trials Involving
    67 Participants With Low Vision

    Follow-up user evaluations confirmed that both
    performance and usability had been improved.

Behind Story

Clinical Trials Involving
67 Participants With Low Vision

Step 1

First, clinical trial participants entered a room with specified
amount of light. Then, we set up four 55-inch Samsung QLED
TVs one meter apart from each other to display eight still
images and two videos.

1meter. Clinical experiment in relumino mode: Watching 10 images, including videos, in a room with consistent illumination, on four Samsung QLED tvs installed 1 meter away from participants.
Behind Story

Clinical Trials Involving
67 Participants With Low Vision

Step 2

At this step, one of the four TVs broadcasted a control video
with no enhancements. The other three TVs were randomly
configured with high, medium, and low contrast effects,
and participants rated their impression, or satisfaction level,
of the four TVs on a scale of 0 to 10.

*Additional contrast sensitivity checks were conducted to monitor
actual contrast sensitivity differences

Contrast video, high, medium, low, 1meter, satisfaction levels measured on a scale of 0 to 10. Clinical experiment in relumino mode: one out of the four tvs broadcasts a control video, while the remaining three randomly incorporate high, medium, and low effects to evaluate preference regarding tv viewing.
Behind Story

Clinical Trials Involving
67 Participants With Low Vision

Step 3

The videos were then fine-tuned according to viewer
preference results from the first step before being shown
again on the four TVs and the trial participants re-evaluated
them for screen satisfaction.

Videos fine-tuned based on viewer preference results from the first step, 1meter, Satisfaction levels measured on a scale of 0 to 10. Clinical experiment in relumino mode: Re-evaluate satisfaction levels with fine-tuned video based on preferences from the first step.
Behind Story

Clinical Trials Involving
67 Participants With Low Vision

Follow-up user evaluations confirmed that both performance
and usability had been improved.

Relumino Mode Off, Relumino Mode On. Two split screens showing a contrasting image of a flower without relumino mode applied and a flower image with relumino mode applied.

Creating Inclusive

To make technology more inclusive,
it is important to listen to
the opinions of
various users.

Hence, Samsung Electronics also
collaborated with the
Royal National
Institute of Blind People (RNIB) in the UK
this “Relumino Mode” project.

The RNIB certifies products, websites,
application services,
and more for use by
people with low vision.
As a Samsung partner,
the RNIB has been working to improve
the accessibility of TVs for over a decade.

Robin Spinks, Head of Inclusive Design at Royal National Institute of Blind People

“What’s especially impressive about
Relumino Mode is
it doesn’t visually disturb
the picture to the point where non-visually
impaired people would dislike watching.
I can sit down with my family
for the first time actually enjoy
watching the TV together.”

Robin Spinks, Head of Inclusive Design at RNIB

Head of Inclusive Design at Royal National Institute of Blind People turning Relumino mode on

The RNIB actively participated in the testing of Relumino Mode’s user accessibility
features and further engaged with the project by providing insights
and sharing challenges from the point of view of people with low vision.

As a result, RNIB also awarded Relumino Mode its “Tried and Tested” Certification,
which recognizes products that are suitable for people
who are blind or partially sighted.

  • Robin Spinks, Head of Inclusive Design at Royal National Institute of Blind People

    “What’s especially impressive about
    Relumino Mode is it doesn’t visually disturb
    the picture to the point where non-visually
    impaired people would dislike watching.
    I can sit down with my family and
    for the first time actually enjoy
    watching the TV together.”

    Robin Spinks, Head of Inclusive Design at RNIB
  • Head of Inclusive Design at Royal National Institute of Blind People turning Relumino mode on

    The RNIB actively participated in the testing
    of Relumino Mode’s user accessibility
    features and further engaged
    with the project by providing insights
    and sharing challenges from the point of
    view of people with low vision.

    As a result, RNIB also awarded Relumino
    Mode its “Tried and Tested” Certification,
    which recognizes products that are suitable
    for people who are blind or partially sighted.

The Pleasure of
Watching Together

Relumino Mode is delicate.

By splitting the screen, Relumino Together
Mode shows the screen
with Relumino Mode
applied and the one without simultaneously.

Relumino Together Mode helps users of all
abilities share the joy of watching
together, laughing, and talking.

Peace of Mind Provided
by Globally Certified

In recognition of these efforts,
Relumino Mode earned
the ‘Low Vision Care’
certification from TÜV Rheinland.

Additionally, Which, a British non-profit
consumer organization, and the RNIB
Samsung Neo QLED (QE65QN85B) and OLED
(QE55S95B) TVs in first
and second places,
respectively, for image quality, sound quality,
accessibility, calling them “The best TVs
for people who are blind or partially

  • Creating a More
    Inclusive Future

    Images seen in Relumino Mode are adjusted so that they are not too
    uncomfortable for non-visually impaired people to watch.

    In other words, we are one step closer to the day
    when everyone can see the world together
    as one, regardless of their visual abilities.

    Images seen in Relumino Mode are adjusted
    so that they are not too uncomfortable for
    non-visually impaired people to watch.

    In other words, we are one step closer to the
    day when everyone can see the world
    together as one, regardless of their visual

  • Creating a More
    Inclusive Future

    Everyone here at Samsung Electronics
    will continue to create
    inclusive products
    and develop new accessibility technologies
    so that more people around the world
    can have equally enjoyable experience.

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