Group your Samsung Sound Tower for the ultimate party

Multiple speakers using group play at a rooftop party

The Giga Party Audio speaker lets you group multiple speakers, so they'll all play the same music, even if they're in separate rooms. Place them throughout your home to create a unique atmosphere for your party no matter where you are. To make things easier, you can group the speakers wirelessly or through audio cables, based on your preference.

Note: The Samsung Giga Party Audio app is compatible with Android devices running Android OS 6.0 or later, and Apple devices running iOS 10.0 or later.

Group Play allows up to ten additional speakers to be connected, so you’ll hear the music no matter where you're standing or dancing. Extra speakers can be synced from different rooms so the music always travels with you.

  1. Press the GROUP PLAY button on the main speaker. The word “HOST” will appears on its display, and the LED will blink.

  2. Press the GROUP PLAY button on a second speaker to connect it. The words “GROUP PLAY CONNECTED” will appear on the display on both systems.


  3. Repeat the steps to add a third speaker. When it's connected, “GROUP PLAY CONNECTED” will appear again, and the LED will stop blinking.


  4. If you want to add more Party Audio systems, continue to repeat these steps.


  5. When you want to play music, play it from the main speaker - the sound will come from all of the connected speakers.

People using a group of Giga Party Audio devices

Once you've grouped all of your speakers, you can control additional options in the Giga PartyAudio app.

If you prefer, you can group your speakers together using AUX audio cables (not included).

  1. Connect an audio cable to the output ports on the main speaker. Connect the other end into the input ports on the second speaker.


  2. On the second speaker, connect a separate audio cable into the output ports. Connect the other end into the input ports on the third speaker.


  3. If you have more speakers, repeat these steps and continue connecting in the speakers in a series until they have all been connected.


  4. Press the AUX or Source button to change the source to AUX2 for every additional speaker; do not press it on the host speaker.

A group of Party Audio speakers connected with wires
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